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© 2023 Ferdi Stutterheim

Home > Practical Accessories 2 > Glass Plate Adaptor

Rolleiflex 2.8 with Glass Plate Adaptor back 1474, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Photograph of Ferdi’s Rolleiflex 2.8 F with a Glass Plate Adaptor back. Just left of the red velvet is the catch to secure the holder.
Photo © 2020  F.W. Stutterheim

Page Index

  1. Rolleiflex Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor
  2. Photographic Glass Plates
  3. Users of the Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor
  4. Notes
  5. References

Rolleiflex Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor

For single photographic images a glass plate and sheet film adaptor was available for Rolleiflex 6×6 cm, Rolleicord and Rolleiflex 4×4 cm since 1932. On this page only adaptors for post-war 6×6 cm Rolleiflex and Rolleicords are described.

The 6×6 cm exposures are made on 6.5×9 cm glass plates or sheet film. Focusing is done in the usual way by using the finder screen. An optional screen for focusing on the image plane was offered too. This screen was intended for precise framing or precise focusing with stacked Rolleinar close-focusing lenses. All parts were separately available although sets were sold. Originally the adaptor set was intended for glass plates only although the use of sheet film was possible when the excess room behind the film in the plate holders was filled so that the sheet was in the focal plane. From 1950 film sheaths for this purpose were available. A pre-condition for using the Plate Adaptor a detachable camera back. Most Rolleiflex and Rolleicord cameras have one. Exceptions are all modern cameras: 2.8 GX, FX, FX-N, 4.0 FT and FW.

Rolleiflex 2.8 with Plate Adaptor 1479, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Photograph of Ferdi’s Rolleiflex 2.8 F and a complete Glass Plate Adaptor set. The camere is fitted with the Glass Plate Adaptor back, the Focusing Screen holder is inserted. A Sheet Film Sheath is partly pulled. The dark slide has been pulled. The lever on the back of the film holder is in the down position showing its number (3). The manual suggests to keep it this way when ‘unexposed’ and use the up position when ‘exposed’. That way the holder number is obscured and a ‘B’ of ‘Belichtet’ (exposed) is visible.
Photo © 2020  F.W. Stutterheim

The Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor parts are:

Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor Sets

Film Size
Frame Size Produced Camera
Particulars Content of Set
6½×9 cm1 6×6 cm 1947 - 1954 Rolleiflex
Adaptor back without
groove for Rolleifix.
1 Leather case for 2 holders (from 1950).
Adaptor back
3 Nickel silver Plate/film holders.
Focusing screen in Nickel silver holder.
6½×9 cm 6×6 cm 1954 - 1981 Rolleiflex
Adaptor back with
groove for Rolleifix.
Adaptor back
3 Nickel silver Plate/film holders
3 sheet film sheaths

Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor Parts

Film Size
Frame Size Produced Camera
Particulars Part
6½×9 cm 6×6 cm 1947 - 1981 Rolleiflex
Nickel silver
Plate/film holder
6½×9 cm 6×6 cm 1950 - 1965 Rolleiflex
Leather case for
2 holders.
6½×9 cm 6×6 cm 1947 - 1981 Rolleiflex
Focusing screen in
Nickel silver holder.
6½×9 cm 6×6 cm 1950 - 1981 Rolleiflex
Compensates for the
difference in height
between glass plate
(1.5 mm) and film.
Sheet film sheath

Photographic Glass Plates

Glass plates for the Rolleiflex Plate Adapter are available from Macodirect, Germany. A box with 10 plates AGFA APX 100, size 65 × 90 × 1.5 mm, for ‘only’ € 116.

Users of the Glass Plate and Sheet Film Adaptor

Using a Rolleiflex to Make Tintypes and Daguerreotypes
Anton Orlov: “A little while back though I did get a nifty accessory called ‘sheet film adapter’, which was originally designed for single sheets of 6×9 film or glass. I used it to make a couple of tintypes a month or so ago. Seeing how I’m concentrating my efforts on perfecting the daguerrean craft, I wanted to wait to write about this project until I had proper sized plates.”


The nominal size is 6½×9 cm, the exact size is 6.3×8.88 cm. Back
